Flexaust Co., Inc., a leading manufacturer of flexible hose for a wide range of industrial, lawn care, and commercial applications, including floor care, recently acquired the United Electric Company. Known in the floor care industry as TUEC, the company manufactures vacuum cleaning attachments.
Have you ever noticed how much more you can observe about the countryside while traveling on a train versus driving? The same holds true in selling.
These suggestions aren’t hypothetical. I started a service business with a few hundred dollars 36 years ago and have earned millions in the process of helping my clients grow. Here are 7 suggestions that I have for building a successful service business: 1. Understand “Positioning” – Read “Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind” by Al Ries and…
B.) BOUNCE BACK – As Jack Welch wrote, “We would also add two other qualities to the must-have list. One is heavy-duty resilience, a requirement because anyone who is really in the game messes up at some point.
He just started his business and arranged to get himself on the agenda as a speaker at a major electronics industry trade show in Texas. Naturally the exposure at the show was helpful and even generated purchase orders.
This past week saw an interesting contrast in companies. Last Tuesday morning in central Massachusetts, I met with a small manufacturer who we’ve worked for previously. However, when I first met with the president a couple of years ago he warned me that his Vice President Sales & Marketing wasn’t receptive to new ideas.
Most companies don’t take full advantage of their publicity opportunities and, therefore, waste a lot of resources on other elements of the marketing mix.
Regarded by the Wall Street Journal as “The dean of America’s business and management philosophers,” Peter F. Drucker wrote in his book Innovation and Entrepreneurship that “Entrepreneurship is ‘risky’ mainly because
This morning, my wife called me and said that she had a flat tire. Some woman in the bank drive-thru line decided to back out at the last minute, rather than driving forward, and forced her into a curb to avoid a collision. Ten minutes later: flat tire.
With tears in my eyes I watched the crowds cheering the police, FBI, and others after capturing the second suspect in the Boston Marathon terrorist bombing incident.