Why Most Product Publicity Fails
There are numerous reasons why product publicity fails to get results. The first is that companies don’t pursue it. If you don’t swing the bat, you can’t get a hit! Second, since it is viewed not by what it can achieve, but rather because it is free, it is delegated, or should I say relegated to the lowly marketing coordinator or new person at the company. He or she is usually more interested in pleasing their boss than the editor. As a result, they usually prepare an advertisement with quotes from their boss, masqueraded as a press release! This usually ends up in the trash and even they buy their way onto web distribution, the content is laughable!
The third reason why product publicity often fails is because the company fails to do it consistently which helps build “brand recognition” with editors and readers and they also fail to establish a plan with respect to what they want their product publicity campaign to achieve for them.
There are many other reasons why product publicity fails and they are usually tied to understanding what it can achieve for a company. It can enhance a company’s credibility and stature because and editor is telling their readers about your company. It can generate highly qualified sales leads if you are illustrating how to solve a specific problem. It can support distributors and representatives, drive traffic to your website and help you land on page one of Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines.
The bottom line is that you must give product publicity the respect it deserves in order to really take advantage of it. The best thing to do is visit and see how we can add-value to your marketing efforts by taking full advantage of your publicity opportunities.
© 2012 Steven M. Stroum